Asst Prof Dr. Natapot Warrit


Department of Biology, Faculty of Science Chulalongkorn University
Phayathai Road, Pathumwan
Bangkok 10330, Thailand

Contact Information:

Tel: 02-2185272


Teaching/Research Field:

  • Systematics
  • Phylogenetics
  • Population genetics
  • Ecology
  • Behavior of bees, spiders, and scorpions

Research Laboratory/Unit/Center of Excellence:

  • Center of Excellence in Entomology
  • Bee and Spider Research Lab

Current Research Topics:

  • Systematics, phylogenetics, population, and genetics of bees (Anthophila), mesothelae and mygalomorphae spiders, and scorpions
  • Genomics of silk producing genes in spiders
  • Biodiversity informatics of pollinators in Thailand

Research Grants:

  • ทุน Biodiversity Information Fund for Asia
    (BIFA), Global Biodiversity Information Facility, Denmark-Japan ภายใต้หัวข้อเรื่อง “Digitizing and data basing bee specimens in Thailand” พ.ศ. 2563–2565
  • ทุน National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) Fund, Thailand. ภายใต้หัวข้อเรื่อง “การศึกษาโครงสร้างของยีนและความเหนียวของเส้นใยแมงมุมในประเทศไทย” พ.ศ. 2563–2565
  • ทุน National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) Fund, Thailand. ภายใต้หัวข้อเรื่อง “ระบบฐานข้อมลู และเว็บไซด์ของผึ้งในประเทศไทย” พ.ศ. 2563–2564


B.Sc. (Biology) 1996–2000 Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

M.Sc. (Entomology) 2000-2002 University of Kansas, Kansas, USA

Ph.D. (Entomology) 2002-2007 University of Kansas, Kansas, USA

Scholarship and Award:

  1. Young BioD Award The 4th National Meeting on Biodiversity Management in Thailand, National Science and Technology Development Agency, 21–23 June 2017
  2. Toray Science Foundation Award, Japan 2018
  3. DPST scholarship, the Royal Thai Government, Thailand (2000–2006)
  4. Dr. Tab Nilaliti Award in Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand (2000)
  5. The e-Biosphere 09 Travel, Accommodations, and Travel Bursary Award (2009)
  6. Best Scientific Presentation Award (Bee Biology, Genetics and Biodiversity), The 10th Asian Apiculture Association Conference; Pusan, South Korea, 4–7 November 2010.

Representative publications